are Dumb
Please all read aloud: Colorblind People are Dumb. Now this is from a man of genius. It is written with green letters on a red background — a nightmare for red-green colorblinds.
But I can read it. (Think). My doctor says I am very much colorblind. And even some color blindness tests show me that I am definitely not only slightly red-green colorblind.
What about you? Anybody here who can’t read it?
A smart guy with a smart idea and a dump realisation. Maybe he should have asked a colorblind friend of him (and he will definitely have one as there are so many affected) before he released the picture at flickr.
Related articles:
What the Doctor says
Color Blindness Test by Dr Shinobu Ishihara
Fuck the Colorblind
I can read it very easily. It would be funny to see him jumping into some color blind people convention some day while holding that sign.
I couldn’t read that T-shirt that was posted a while back though.
I can read it, but its a real pain on the eyes. I would jump him, but only if he wasn’t wearing that on a T-shirt
I can read it, but don’t ask me which is red and which is green.
Not colorblind or at least I don’t think I am. After looking at that it makes me wonder, since I swear it looks green from one angle and gold from another. To the colorblind people try looking at it at a different angle maybe you won’t be able to see it.