As for today there is no known treatment to cure color blindness but maybe in the near future there will be some possibilities to overcome color blindness and even enhance color vision overall.

Researchers from the University of California and the Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore showed in a series of experiments, how the color vision abilities of mice can be enhanced. Mice have naturally only dichromatic vision which can be compared to red-green color blindness. Dichromatic means, they have only two different types of color receptors in their eyes whereas humans normally have three different types which make up our color vision.
The scientists “pimped” the mice in their experiments with the missing genes for color perception which they took from humans. And those mice performed much better in the test setup as their dichromatic colleagues. This led to the assumption that the enhanced mice have a better (trichromatic) color vision.
Other researchers have also shown that they could cure color blindness in monkeys through injections of the missing color receptor genes.
What can we learn from this?
- Color Blindness can be cured or at least it could be cured in about 6 cases of mice and monkeys so far.
- We are on the way of the perfect human being and don’t even forget to exterminate color blindness on that way.
- You won’t experience the cure of color blindness because this are only the first steps from a very long way.
If you are looking for a treatment of color blindness you still need to wait quite a while. And in case you can’t wait—hope dies last.
The Washington Post published an article about this research last week called Mice See New Hue With Added Gene. The original work was published in the science magazine: Emergence of Novel Color Vision in Mice Engineered to Express a Human Cone Photopigment.
Also read more about some newer scientific results on the cure of color-blind monkeys by gene therapy.
From the Ishihara test that I undertook, it was found that I am sufferring from
Red-Green defficiency- Deuteran- Partial.
Is there any cure for it? I think “NOT YET”.
But is there any solution for it,eg, some kind of lenses,etc. ?
Please help…
Chintu, as you say there is no cure for color blindness at the moment. And there won’t be for quite a long time.
There are some contacts and glasses available. Unfortunately I haven’t tried any of them. You might like to check out one of the following links:
ColorCorrection System™
hey there,just wanted to know like how long are we talking about here for them to come up with a cure for color blindness…thanks
That’s a tough question Mr. John Doe. Of course nobody can really tell if there will ever be a cure and if so, when this will be available for normal humans.
But let’s assume that there will be a possibility to cure color blindness in the future. My suggestion is, is would take at least ten more years to make a lot of tests on animals. At least another ten years to make this happen for men. So it still will take a long long time until we have a little chance to be a bit closer to cure color blindness.
there are some contacts and glasses avaible for color blindness.i have contact is great you can see the numbers in ishihara tests.
try it
how much are the colorblind contacts?
Zac, sorry but I don’t know any prices. I’ll try to find out more about it in the near future and of course will post my findings on Colblindor.
Sorry for my english, I am very interested on the treatment of the colorblind because it’s affect directly to my job. I read your comments and I think, it’s my opinion, you are a little pessimistic on your predictions. Days ago I read an interview to DR Neith who works at Medical Collegue of Wiscosin who are researching about this disability. I attach some paragraph about this interview. Regards.
Dr. Neitz noted that this is the first trial ever of gene therapy in any animal involving the cone photoreceptors as a target. “I feel really confident about this, and since all the pieces are in place I’m hoping that it will work in a monkey within two years, he said. “If it works in a monkey we have to go to human trials and have to get FDA approval and so forth, so it could be about five years to get to the point where we’re able to use the technique in humans.
Dan Ullrich
HealthLink Contributing Writer
Article Created: 2004-04-14
hi.i am color blind.a year ago, i bought those was about 750 $ in turkey.they are colorful,one of them is pink,other one is red.when you use them you can see all number on ishihara tests but in fact,lenses aren’t useful because you have to put them out before sleeping also, it effects my vision is normaly perfect but when i use them,NOT. later, i found a doctor on the internet.he was treating retinitis pigmentosa.i phoned and talked about myself.the cure was about acupunctur.he said me you have needed 15 seances for color blindness.i took 9 of them.finally,i couldn’t see this number(6)and more but now i can.( )i only cannot see 3-4 number plates.i need 6 seances more.i haven’t got much time so i havent taken them.the doctor is in Istanbul.
sorry for my english=))
Regarding wat Mert says, there is this institute in Singapore as well that says they can cure colour blindness through chinese medicine and acupuncture. It might be true though. I have colour blindness myself and my appointment with the physician/doctor is actually tomorrow. U guys can check out the site.. Chinese Nature Cure Institute in singapore.
dear singh,
if you write the links,it will be more useful for fact,i couldn’t find the topic about color blindness.
Here is the link to Chinese Nature-Cure Institute: Color Blindness. They claim to heal color blindness with acupuncture. A very interesting topic which I would like to investigate further.
Interesting, yes, but I’m unsure how sticking needles in the eye cures colour blindness, if we accept that colour blindness is genetically linked.
hi gang, i live in australia and for a long time wanted to apply for my skippers ticket but colour blind prevented that, then i herd about colour veiw lenses tryed them and for the first time passed the ishi hara test there great. But for some resone the marine board will not accept them, ‘why’ its discrimination they pass other with eye glasses whats the diff any suggestions pls reply
One of my friend got cured from Colour Blindness at Sanjeevan eye center in Mumbai, India. They have cured many cases of colour blindness.
please tell me where i can get a corrective lens for color blindness in india
Im really hoping for a cure…i wonder what the world really looks like with complete colors
Getting back to comment 8, here is the full link (dated 14 April 2004).
What’s interesting is that they did go on to perform gene therapy tests on monkeys as they planned, and it appears they had some success.
I’ve never contemplated not being colour blind as I’ve always assumed there would never be a cure. It definitely sounds like they’re getting closer though.
When they start the tests on humans, I will gladly volunteer.
hye guys.
im an optometrist student and wil become an optometrist.
i like to do a presentation on this topic but i have no idea what to be highlighted in this topic.
i hv normal color vision.
trfore i dont know how these persons feel and think.
if somebody willing to help me, can email me at
Pl tell me in india where i can getting contact lens for cure of colour blindness
WOuld you please tell me where I can get a glasses for color blindness in Singapore ?
Hiii Raj…
here is the link, go to this hospital. they cure u through natural treatment.
Pingback: .colblindor « fin.
really its true??there’s a contacts lenses
how much??
At least there is any food that can be eaten to cure color blindness right?… If there’s any, tell me pls…….
Request Pls. forward contact of anyone treated for CB @ Sanjeevan India
sir i am nilamadhaba patra from orissa,india.i am suffering from golor blind as well as huge eye sight defect.i am coming from very very poor family.pls help& save me.
I really enjoy your articles. They are clear, concise and yet, very informative!
Im 13 and have red-green colour blindness…
I was wondering whether there is anything I can use to help it, (eg glasses)
A-10/003,Yogi Westend,
Yogi Nagar, Borivli(w),
Mumbai, India – 400091
Mon-Sun: 8:00am-8pm(Closed on Wednesday)
Telephone: +91-22-28336664,+91-22-65152884
Mobile: +91-9821210560
*Consultation with prior appointment*
No cure unfortunatly. But we have many people using LeXii which has proven to help Red/Green people dramatically. Although others didn’t see much different. Try it and see!
So there arent any glasses that can help? i really really want to help it…
As quoted above – But we have many people using LeXii which has proven to help Red/Green people dramatically – kindly inform what is this ” LeXii “
Hi folks !!!!
In 2006 i came to know that i m color blind when SSB interview…Then I started practicing through Ishihara chart and I improved drastically…..I have improved and I know that it can further be cured….Sanjeevan School in Mumbai is claiming that they have cured many people….I have talked to Dr. K. K Goyal who treats in Sanjeevan School…I want to talk to the persons who have been cured there as they r charging so mch and I m not sure whether its a fraud or a true treatment….If anyone knows any person who has been cured there please let me know..I wanna cure my clor blindness because I am quite passionate about armed forces and wanna join Indian Air Force as a fighter pilot…
I request to all who have taken treatment at Sanjeevan (for CB ), to share their experience.
This will surely help many in taking informed decision.
hai gaurav tak
i also looked into that sanjeeva eye care.i sent a mail to Dr.Goyal abt the charge for the treatment and she asked me to come and meet her in person.As am in chennai and am a student i cant travel to mumbai.
can you pls tell me how much sanjeevan eye care charge to cure color blindness ??
or does any one here know abt the treatment cost in sanjeevan ??
Pls help
i have met mr Goyal, he charged 2000/- as a consultation charges & told rs.80000/- for treatment.
hello . Any body know any person who cured CB from sanjeevan school. Plz tell me
Hi frands i want to cure my color blindness as soon as possible in sanjeevan school but i am confuse abt sanjeevan is it false or true? As i know they demand rs70000 to rs90000 before starting treatment. I am from poor family . Plz guide and help me , What should i do?
hi friends,
It is frustrating that there is no one on this forum who actually got treated at Sanjeevan. I also talked to Dr. KK Goyal today, I am very much skeptical about treatment as cost is very high(INR2500 consultation + INR80000). Moreover they are asking the full payment in advance. If anyone got treated at Sanjeeevan pls respond.
Thanks n Regards.
my friend has this color blindness,i need proper solution for it
Plz do not get in to claims of anyone (sanjeevani or else).As this is because of genetically disturbed decency.the only solution we have is to use this lense.i really don know where they are available.but please think over it that how can food or exercise can cure genetical affected cones in eye.
hai.i read in an aricle tat colour blindness is caused by genes from mothers side and some colour blindness cases have also been caused due to intake of some medicines which have side effects.i also read that some cases have been cured by taking vitamin A ,vitamin b complex and iodine and few excersices which help in better colour perception.but this method was followed by a doc researching in colour blindness and the patients with acquired colour blindness were only cured.
am a colour blind person wondering if these colour corrective lenses are allowed in marine field. ???
thank you.
i hope my knowledge was of some assistance..
pls clear my doubt aswell..
hey amit your article is really nice and i also think sanjeevan is fraud . Can you plz. tell me this type of lences @ CB is acceptable specially in aeronautics and how much the price?
Hi everybody.
I think color correcting lenses are in most cases not accepted. Specially if you should be able to perform critical tasks. So unfortunately, this is no a solution for many – and very expensive as well. Check my other articles on this topic.
– Daniel
dear gaurav i am not sure that this type lenses are acceptable in aeronautics or not but i am very sure you will able to clear ishra test with help of this type of lenses. i think that cost of lenses is near about 4000 each
This is Anita here, I am a Mechanical Engineer and want to go into govt. jobs. Are these lenses helpful in clearing the medical test?? If yes then where can I find these in India
I’m colour blind :( now how will i get my dream job after so much of almost gettin it. Pls help.. Pune, india anyone
I have personally got treatment from sanjeevan. Although the charge is high but it has worked for me 100%. Thanks to Dr Goyal I got my dream job, which was impossible earleir because of my cb issue.
hey kb this is very good news for me that you got treated in sanjeevan. I also wish to cure my CB but i was confused wheather sanjeevan is false or true as he demand too much money in advance. So plz guide me how much time and money it takes and are you normal color vision after treatment. Plz reply
hey kb are you joking bcoz cb can not be treated with some food & exercises i think its not o.k.
amit, I dont have time for jokes, it did work for me, and I have met few others during the course for whom also it worked. Dont speculate without knowing facts. What Sanjeevan is doing is great service and is highly recommended. I was checked by multiple opthomologists also for clearing my interview and everyone was surprised with my result in such a short time no one could belive the results (I was rejected for job by same people before the treatment). So althogh there is no cure available in normal medicines, at Sanjeevan Dr & Mrs Goyal surely know how to treat it. They have already cured hundreds of patients. Go and checkit out instead of speculating.
kb . R u sure but how diet nd exercise can correct missing genetic defect ???
i think this genetic defect can only and only cured by gene therapy … Not by natural supplements and exersice
kb plz plz plz tell is sanjeevani is true or fault … Plz rply me fast … I m really fraustated of my colourblindness !!!
I contacted Sanjeevan Hospital via e-mail to enquire about the cost and other formalities (appointment, treatment duration, logging facility etc). I recieved a simple response to contact via phone for more details. As mentioned by others above, the cunsultation and treatment charges are so high and in return there is so poor customer service with no leagal commitment or confirmation. You cannot find a single person commenting possitively about Sanjeevan any where on the web, where as if it is true it is miracle and should be known to handfull of people. kb is not identifying himself properly, what is kb? None of the persons who commented on sanjeevan website gave their proper identy, not even a single person with any type of contact details. Curious but doubtfull..
Mohammed Javed, thank you very much for sharing your insights and knowledge about this treatment!
As many people are looking for a cure, this is at least some information. I would it also very much appreciate, if we could learn about this treatment — if it does exist at all.
Thanks! – Daniel
mohammad javed … R u a doctor … Then plz tell me about various courses that we can opt after mbbs in india and also in abroad !!!plz rply soon
Sorry Neha, I cannot help you in this matter as i am not a doctor.
“kb” awaiting your response. It will be generous of you if you can please share the process of treatment, charges, duration of treatment etc. I just want to assure that the treatment does exist. Please excuse me if it bothers you, it is just out of curiosity as you can understand how big deal it is.
I would like to share that I tried Cromagen Contact lenses 4yrs back but they were not 100% satisfactory and caused irritating eyes. It costed GBP500 aprox INR37,500 including consultation fees. However after wearing these i could read 4-5 more Ishihara plates but nor all.
Daniel , could u plz tell me what are the courses that we can join after mbbs ?
mohammad javed , r u from india ?
Neha, Yes I am from India.
then wats ur profession … What r our chances in civil services xams …
hi ! here is i want to share my personal view about sanjeevan.i think if sanjeevan can cure colourblindness then why they are not ready with legal documents,
Has anyone heard of ChromaGen which is supposed to help color blindness and dyslexia.
hey guys… i think sanjeevan is d most appropriate place if u wana get ur cb cured…i had personally suffered from it bt nw m fit n i can read d plates…thx a tonne to sanjeevan as jst due to thier efforts n help hav i been able 2 clear ma medicals n got ma job thereafter…guys u shud atleast go fr an initial check up session 2 kno abt it…
Thanks for the information SS. Can you please share with us the charges and procedures in detail.
Requesting to people who have been cured from “Sanjeevan” to share more information with the people, not only praising the staff for their efforts. Please share something else apart from the praise so that the people are enlightened and believe that they can really be cured. A truly detailed information will help hundreds of people to full fill their dream.
Just to have an initial check-up at Sanjeevan Hospital costs thousands of Indian Rupees. Please share more in depth information and all the need full people will praise for this help their entire life.
totally fraud
For all those people who are suffering from CB…
My husband is also colorblind. When we started searching fir its treatment, we got notihng much except the information about Sanjeevan Institute existing in Mumbai claimimg to treat cb, which was kinda ray of hope for us.
Like all the people here, we too were very doubtful as the charges were very high and there was no guarantee or legal commitment as such.
Since we had no other option, we just thought of giving it a try.
We are presently in Mumbai, undergoing the treatment. This is the 4th day oftreatment and my husband is actually started showing positive results.
It is hard for me as well to believe that something genetic is getting treated via exercises. But to seeis to believe…
This is my personal experience.
Anyone has any doubts about the same, may post comment here. I’ll be pleased to help you with your query.