The International Colour Vision Society (ICVS) is an international group of physiologists, psychologists, physicists, geneticists, optometrists, ophthalmologists and others who have a research interest in the many aspects of colour vision and colour vision deficiencies.

This group will hold its 19th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society from July 27 to 31 in Belém, Brazil.
Here is an introductory excerpt of the Program Book on this years symposium.
A glance at the program reveals that the traditional interests of our Society are well represented this year, including contributions by physiologists, psychologists, physicists, geneticists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, and other related professionals who have a research interest in the many aspects of colour vision and colour vision deficiencies. One special session is dedicated to the Nagel Centennial, the anniversary of the introduction of the W.A. Nagel Anomaloscope in 1907.
The program includes in impressive list of speeches with many topics directly related to color blindness. I’ve chosen some of them in the list below to give you an impression of actual research topics.
- Welcome to the wonderful world of color: Gene therapy treatment for colorblindness.
- The effects of colored lenses on the number of discernible colors perceived by dichromats in natural scenes.
- Surface color perception of color defective observers under dim illuminations.
- Performance of the Lanthony New Color Test by young children.
- Mass screening for color-vision deficiencies in Norwegian children.
- Color deficiency correction – methodology and experiment report.
- The contribution to Rayleigh matches of the third red-green photopigment of color-defect carriers.
As described above it is also the centennial of the Nagel anomaloscope, which was introduced in 1907. The Nagel anomaloscope was introduced to measure severity and type of red-green color blindness. It is since then the reference on color blindness tests and of course evolved along the way to cover different types of color blindness.
Maybe we will have the chance to get a grasp of some of the speeches and catch a fresh breeze of academical research on color vision deficiency. Stay tuned.
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