The anomaloscope is the most precise instrument when it comes to analyzing red-green color blindness. It was developed about 100 years ago and is still in use all over the world.
An anomaloscope is based on two different light sources which have to be brought to a match. You can match them by adjusting either the brightness of a certain yellow color or the proportion of mixture between a green and a red light. According to the matches you can make the eye specialist can give you detailed information about the severity and subtype of your red-green color blindness.
The RGB anomaloscope uses exactly the same approach but as an online tool. But because computer displays are solely build up from the three main colors red, green, and blue, the results can’t be just transformed to this online color blindness test. And that’s why I need you.
I’m looking for red-green colorblind persons who would like to help me to develop the RGB anomaloscope color blindness test. The test is now online available as RGB Anomaloscope Color Blindness Test.
What do you have to do? Simply use the anomaloscope, that’s all. If possible you can take the test under different light conditions and using different computers. This increases the chance to get an accurate color blindness test in the end. And—of course—you have to be red-green colorblind yourself.

Results Diagram
On the left side you can see my test results. Every dot represents a color match. As I’m strongly red-blind the matching area spans the whole possible spectrum.
If you would like to join and help me to develop this new online color blindness test just contact me. Please write me also about the subtype and severity of your red-green color blindness—as good as you know. You can check this at Which Type of Red-Green Color Blindness is It? After contacting me I will send you the link to the tool and the password to get in.
And please be aware we might not get the results which I would like to see. So maybe I can’t give you any better results than the ones you already have.