Certain jobs in the film industry definitely require very good color vision. If you need to adjust specific hues and find a good balance of the colors in a picture, color vision deficiency would be quite a big handicap.
Just the other day I took a picture of a rainbow. It was such a beautiful one, but I couldn’t see the color spectrum so I had to ask my son, if it is really a nice one where you can spot the whole color spectrum. The same would happen if I would work as a professional in the film industry: Either I could ask somebody for help or I just would fail. My color blindness is just to strong to deliver good work.

Vision Test
FilmLight is a leading company in the film industry and provides a simple online color blindness test on their website. This way you can perform a first check if you are ready to work with moving pictures. Can you spot the T? Check out their website to see the whole Truelight color vision test picture.
This color blindness test picture consists of three lines each showing six T’s. Four of them should be visible and you should be able to tell their orientation. You should also be able to guess the fifth correctly and the sixth is just visible under perfect conditions. The three lines of T’s relate to the three different types protan, deutan, and tritan color vision defects. The test is based on the color blindness confusion lines.
You can’t see anything? — No worries. I can only spot two T’s in the last line. Only if I bend my laptop display back and forth I see two more T’s, but not more.
If you did like this kind of test make sure to check out my color blindness tests or have a look at some other color vision tests online available.
I see the two down/left… others don’t exists and they just make it up… ;-)
I can see the first two “T”s on the bottom row – and that’s it.
After that it’s just grey squares.
I can only see two T in upper left and lower left corner plus a very few isolated squares with some color close to them.
It says red, green and blue however to my eyes the red (upper left T) looks pinkish-tannish and the blue totally looks light purple to me. Not even close to what I would call blue..
I see all but the rightmost blue T. But that’s just because my monitor isn’t calibrated.
Seeing the two rightmost letters of each row is a problem to everyone, even color normal people unless the hardware is well calibrated.
Yes.. true light color vision test is essential. From business point of view, a person should know exactly what he is seeing.. Including the color. That’s why they keep these tests…
Angeline @ marcus evans scam
I see 2 ts for protanopia and deuteranopia, and only 1 blue one (i have tritanomaly)
Albedo (comment 4) says: “I see all but the rightmost blue T. But that’s just because my monitor isn’t calibrated.”
I don’t think the monitor calibration is the problem here. The test was designed to be used with uncalibrated monitors, provided the gamma is roughly right for near-greys, and the RGB primaries match the video primaries.
I have trouble with the last blue T myself (the colours aren’t actually red, green or blue, but I have made them as close as I could to the corresponding primary). For the bottom line, you may need to get closer to the screen so you are using more of your peripheral vision, and defocus your eyes a bit so you are not distracted by your macular vision.
Even so, too many people with good colour vision seem to have problems seeing the last blue T. I wonder whether the CIE observer model attributes too much sensitivity to the S (short wavelength = blue) receptor.
I could see the first two of each color. After that gray squares. And I am color normal. I think. I know I have trouble with some colors but, I KNOW I could not be colorblind. But, I could not see past the first two of each color. Weird.
I set my monitor to 6500K like asked. The shades are a little wonky, though. The red is a pinkish-red to be, the green I can’t quite describe, and the blue is very purplish. As for seeing them I can make out all bu the last red T, although the fifth is so faint I have to stare to make it out. For the green I can only see up to the third, and once again I have to stare to make it out. For the T I can again only make it out to the third, which is very light. I think I can see the fourth if I squint really hard, but I’m not sure.
I’ve always believed myself to not be color blind, although some people have told me certain things I see as green are blue, but these are colors that are blue-green and I just see them more as green. And yellow greens appear more yellow to me. For example, something such as this towel:
appear green to me. It is hinted blue, but so faintly I’d never call it anything but green, except maybe sea green.
The colours in the diagram are not supposed to look red, green, and blue. They should look pink, an aqua colour a bit like the towel, and violet. I could have used the complimentary colour. This way around, they look vaguely reddish, greenish, and blueish, which is the colour of the corresponding colour channel in the eye that they are testing.
Newton’s ‘blew’ colour probably corresponded to modern cyan, which is why he needed ‘indigo’ for what we normally call blue. Thomas Young provided accurate wavelengths for the named colours, and is using the modern ‘blue’ in 1813, but some of his earlier papers of 1801-3 suggest he recognized and had used the older Newtonian ‘blue’ as well.
There are several genetic variations which may shift the green receptor peak by up to 4 nm. The blue peak is pretty much the same for all of us. I don’t think genetic variations are significant here. Different people seem to use different words for colours on the blue-green boundary.