A few days ago I released the F-M 100 Hue Color Vision Deficiency Test on Colblindor. Since then many people have taken the test which makes it possible to give you some added value on the test.
From today on you can also compare your result with “the rest of the world”. In the last tab of the test you will be able to see two diagrams: the first shows you the overall contribution of the different types. Your will be shown with an orange circle.

The second diagram below is all about the severity. Again your total error score is highlighted with an orange bar. This diagram shows you how others did in this test and if you are on the “better” or “not that good” side when it comes to see colors.
I hope you enjoy this added value and of course the whole F-M 100 Hue Test. If you have any questions or further suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
I took the test again, but the last tab still says “there is not enough test data available yet”
Tritan defect.