Finally I could release today my new design of Colblindor at It took me quite a long time — to long if you ask me. But finally I arrived where I wanted to.

I hope you like the new spirit. I made it easier to access to most important pages including the knowledge pages like Color Blind Essentials or the 50 Facts on Color Blindness, the color vision deficiency tests and the tools, which are available. It’s now also easier for me to handle the whole site, as it is powered by the newest technologies.
The history of Colblindor goes back to 2006 where I started the whole project:
- Starting a blog about color blindness in 2006, at that time with no main URL
- Moved to as the main URL for the next 6 years
- Did some design changes during that time and produced a lot of content
- Purchased in 2013 and moved Colblindor to its new home
- Complete redesign of the whole site and published it in January 2014
With the new design the site also had some major changes: I removed the forum, as it was huge work to keep all the spam out of it—sorry for that. On the other hand I have now a color blindness facebook fan site, which I would like to push further and get the interaction transferred to. So if you like this, friend me there :-)
I hope you like all the changes and the new setting. If you find anything which is not working properly, don’t hesitate to get in contact with me.