The original Ishihara color blindness test was introduced in early last century and since then, it is by far the most well known color vision deficiency test all around the world. Dr. Shinobu Ishihara from Japan produced three different test sets which are widely used and which all based on the same pseudoisochromatic plates.
This test is actually designed to be used in a booklet and is usually executed by an eye doctor.But I have made an onlince version of the test, available right here on Colblindor.
The online test is based on the 38 plates edition and will give you a little feedback at the end of the test.
As this test is only made to check for red-green color blindness, any other form of CVD can not be detected. And at the end—if you like—you can even share your test result with your friends.This way they can see how you performed and try the test themselves if they like to.
=> Ishihara 38 Plates Color Vision Deficiency Test <=
Be aware: This test consist of scanned plates. The colors are not exactly the same as in the original version. You also have to consider, that every computer screen has different color settings and therefore the test results might alter between different trials.
If you would like to see all the 38 plates in an overview, you can find them at Ishihara Test for Colour Deficiency – 38 Plates Edition.